Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade (Cranston, RI)

Sr. Resident Project Representative was responsible for overseeing construction phase of headworks improvements, Continue Reading

Sludge Thickening Improvements Project Wastewater Treatment Plant (Amherst, MA)

Resident project representative responsible for the oversight of sludge thickening improvements that includes removal of Continue Reading

North Reading Water Main Project (North Reading, MA)

Resident project representative that oversaw the installation of 3500 lf of 12” water Continue Reading

Middleborough Pump Station Construction (Middleborough, MA)

Owner’s project representative responsible for the construction of a water pump station. The Continue Reading

Killingly Wastewater Pollution Control Facility – Killingly, CT

Sr. Project Representative for a major Wastewater treatment plant upgrade. Upgrade included complete Continue Reading

Canton Subarea 27 Sewer Rehabilitation (Canton, MA)

Resident project representative responsible for the oversight of the rehabilitation of sewer segments in the Town of Canton Continue Reading

Onsite Septic and Drainage System (Kingston, MA)

Our RPR oversaw the significant topography regrading of a large south shore Continue Reading

Scituate Sewer Rehab Project (Scituate, MA)

Resident project representative responsible for the oversight of furnishing all labor, services, equipment, and materials Continue Reading