Resident project representative responsible for overseeing the new construction of a 100ft long BNR tank and 60ft Diameter clarifier. New BNR required all new air SS piping, drop legs connected to an air diffuser field and various air flow meters and MOVs. Clarifier required all new mechanical rotating motors torque box, sweeper arms, scum removal. Project included installation of underground yard piping, new water main fire loops, new recycle DI piping and SS blower piping. All underground and above ground process piping was inspected for compliance and pressure tested to project specifications. Project also included installation of 2 new turbo blowers with sound proofing enclosures and PLC/Control Cabinet installation. Prior to effluent discharge the rotating disk filter system (5) units were rehabbed to like-new condition. Electrical upgrades included numerous MCC buckets to be replaced, new VFD’s and new MCC for powering new clarifier and BNR Tank equipment.