Our goal at Engineered Concepts Inc. is to make our clients look good. Period! We have accomplished this by doing more than just observing and reporting…we do this by getting involved as your liaison without directing. We are proactive, not reactive. We ask questions everyday with every trade about what is coming up and what we are seeing, and then we do our research, check specs and submittals and follow through accordingly. In this way we can foresee any issues and propose solutions to our clients. All of our RPRs, COs, CMs, Clerks, etc. are trained in wheat the Project Manager’s role is in order to best serve our clients. Our foundation is the knowledge of proper construction techniques, adhering to the specifications and utilizing all 16 divisions of industry standards for testing and commissioning.
So whether your project is 2 days or 2 years we gotcha covered.
Keith Newman

Keith has been involved in construction management for over 30 years. Inspecting all facets of the sixteen divisions of construction. He has personally mentored every employee of ECI, training them in industry standards for testing.
B.S., Civil Engineering,
University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth
A.A.S., Mechanical Engineering,
Community College of Rhode Island
LEED Leadership Energy Environmental Design
Rhode Island Contractors Registration Board License
MA Unrestricted Supervisors License
CT Major Contractors and HIC License
AGC PM Certification
OSHA 10 Certified
Confined Space Certified