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South County Potable Water Transmission Main (Hillsborough, FL)

The South County Potable Water Transmission Main, CIP 32013, was a Design Build project, with the goal of transporting a large volume of potable water from Riverview FL to Sun City FL. This project consisted of 33,000 linear feet (6.25 miles) of 42 and 48 inch ductile iron pipe. A multitude of materials accompanied this pipe such as Carvs, Flushing Ports, Tracer Wire with test stations, Poly Wrap and Poly Tape, Flex Ring restrained joints, Resilient Wedge Gate Valves, Directional Change Fittings, and a 2000 LF Directional Drill using 48” welded steel piping. This pipe was run through multiple entities such as; DOT Roadways, County Roadways, and Environmentally Protected woodlands. As stated previously, this job was a Design Build Project, consisting of multiple companies. The lead contractor, along with various subs, were hired for trucking, concrete, the directional drill, flagging, live wet taps, and clearing and grubbing. Four Major engineering firms worked together in the design and construction observation. ECI worked with Hillsborough County One Water Program and another engineering firm to provide the Construction Observation/CEI/RPR services throughout the entirety of the Project.