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Treatment Plant and Road Booster Pump Station – Topsfield, MA

Assistant resident project representative for the installation of large Diameter 48-inch drain steel piping under roadways and welded dual force mains with directional drilling routing. Restored or replaced various catch basins and detention areas. Set up water bypass to numerous residents, coordinated police details and traffic to facilitate access. Installed 12” DI water mains and various services to resident’s homes, Installed 16” DI gravity drains / overflows to detention areas. Assisted in the construction oversight of a complex new water treatment facility utilizing Green Sand Filtration. Installed concrete foundation thousands of feet of buried DI piping and 10,000 gallon holding tank all properly compacted in 8-inch lifts prior to road base gravel and asphalt. Uploaded and labelled hundreds of reports and daily photos organized submittals and kept record drawings current.